
Showing posts from February, 2023

LAMP SERVER installation through Repository Packages

The website you see or the blog you are reading right now is working on a web server and to write that website some coding language has been used, using a database to store the information. Thus, when these components work together to serve a web page or website to the user or visitor, they create a LAMP Server. These components together are called LAMP Stack.   By LAMP Stack here means is; (L) inux as Operating System (OS) (A) pache as Web Server (WS) (M) ySQL as a Database (DB) (P) HP (Hypertext preprocessor) as a programming language,   But for these OS, WS, DB, and programming languages, other options can also be considered. For in place of LINUX, one can use windows, then, it will be called WAMP, or In place of PHP, perl or python can be used or APACHE can be replaced by nginx or mariadb can be used in place of MySQL. All 4 components are used or opted for according to the requirements. Why LAMP server, when other forms of the server are present there? ...