HTTP (HTTP://)- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a Protocol designed for communication between client (Web browser) and server(Web server). It was projected in 1989 by the world wide web. It operates on Port 80 and transfers data in plain text. There were a few revisions in HTTP until http1.1 released in 1996.Then after finding so many loopholes, There was a mega release of HTTP/2 in 2015. Later, HTTP/3 as the proposed successor to HTTP/2 came out, which is already in use on the web, using UDP instead of TCP for the underlying transport protocol. 

Advantages of HTTP:-

  1. HTTP can be implemented with other networks as well as protocols.

  2. HTTP pages are stored on computers as internet caches.

  3. The platform of HTTP is independent, thus allowing cross-platform porting.

  4. It can be used over Firewalls.

Issues with HTTP:-

  1. HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means it does not require the HTTP server to retain information or status about each user for the duration of multiple requests. Each time the requests will be treated unique or new irrespective whether it is new or old.

  2. No privacy, as open for all, and anyone can see the content.

  3. Data Integrity is 0, here as security and privacy are absent here and anyone can alter the content.

  4. Anybody irrespective of a genuine user or not, can intercept the request and can get the username and password.

HTTPS (HTTPS://)- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, an advanced as well as the secured version of HTTP. It allows secured transference with the help of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). HTTPS is a combination of SSL/TLS with HTTP. It provides encrypted data and secured transference with the help of key-based encryption algorithms, in which key is generally 40 or 128 bits in strength. It operates on port 443 and transfers data in Cipher (encrypted) format.

Advantages of HTTPS:-

  1. Sites running over HTTPS are redirected, which means even if you type in HTTP:// by mistake, it will redirect to an HTTPS over a secured connection.

  2. Secured with SSL/TLS and provide full encryption over data.

  3. Each SSL Certificate contains unique, authenticated information about the certificate owner.

Issues with HTTPS:-

  1. HTTPS protocol can't stop stealing confidential information from the pages if they are saved as cache memories on the browser.

  2. SSL data can be encrypted only during transmission via a network, thus the text in the browser memory is still not cleared with SSL.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS :-




-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

-Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

-Less secure and encryption is absent.

-Secure and encrypted with SSL/TLS.

-Uses Port 80.

-Uses Port 443.

-Doesn’t scramble data before transmission, thus vulnerable to hackers.

-Scramble Data before transmission, thus secure.

-It operates on TCP/IP level protocol.

-It operates on the same HTTP protocol but with SSL/TLS.

-No SSL and data encryption.

-SSL and data encryption are required.

-Fast in procession.

-Slow in processing in comparison to HTTP.

-It operates on an Application layer.

-It operates on the Transport layer.

-It transports plain text information.

-It transports cipher text information.




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