Cloud Computing

Every computing service that can be delivered over the Internet mode is known as cloud computing. The computing involves resources like tools and applications as data servers, networking, data storage, and software. The name cloud computing comes as a virtual space/ cloud space having the information that is accesssible and stored in the cloud space only and computing of all the information and data is known as cloud computing. The biggest advantage of this is that the user who is using it, don't require to gain access to a specific location to access the data, the user can work remotely. The cloud computing can be done via public as well as private mode referring to what access you want to use or want to give to the user as well.

Types of Cloud Services: Cloud computing services give its users a series of function that includes, email, data analyzing, audio and video streaming, delivery of software on demand, creating and testing apps, VM creation and storage, data retreival etcetera.

Deployment Models: 

Saying certainly that there are three type of clouds wouldn't be possibleand right, better we can comprehend that there are various types of cloud and each one is different than the other.

Public cloud, is the cloud which works like an open-source, freely available to public providing storage and servers services over the internet. Public cloud is being operated by third-party companies, who manages hardware, software and other general infrastructure.

Private cloud, is the cloud which is not freely available, thus user needs to pay an amount to use the cloud services and it is reserved for specific clientele, usually one business or organization. The user access is reserved by the admin and is being directly operated and managed by the organisation who buys it.

Hybrid cloud,as the name suggest is the combination of both above-mentioned clouds, the public and the private one. This type of cloud provides flexibility with restriction and security for the right optimization and function of the cloud by the user.

Multi-cloud, this is a cloud service in which the client don't restricted to use the service of only one type of cloud service provider. Insead the client can use the cloud service of one provider and for other they can opt out for some other service provider.

Types of Cloud Computing

The cloud computing types is based on Shared responsibility model, which emphasise on sharing the responsibility and work at different hierarchical level. The Shared responsibility as name defines, is sharing responsibility, i.e.,  the security team maintains some responsibilities for security, while the provider takes some responsibility, but not all the responsibility will be  put on someone's shoulder to handle it on single-hand mode. Cloud computing is based on three services which are as follows:

-Software-as-a-service (SaaS), the service provider has the major responsibility of handling and operating the system and services.It is based on product-perspective based cloud service.The service provider provides you with a license to access the software applications like Microsoft office's 365.

-Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), the services is handled majorly by the customer, the service provider maintain the hardware, network connectivity and physical security. Main Function is to lift nd shift or migrate from an on-premise data centre to a cloud-deployment. Example of IaaS is Microsoft Azure.

-Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), this is the complex one as a service as it shares some responsibility of SaaS and some of the IaaS. The main function of PaaS is to provide the platform for the cloud service for developing the software instead of giving the software as a service which is seen in SaaS.

Advantages of Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing based software provides a number of benefits, which includes the ability to use software from any device through browser or app based function. Thus, user can have the access from anywhere and anytime. 

The storage provide by the Cloud computing services make it possible for the users to keep backup of their data  ensuring that the files are available to them whenever they need it.

Reliability, the ability of a system to recover from failure and continues to function and  Predictability, the ability of a system to perform during the major outbreak of traffic and usage, the cloud computing has proven righteous for both the above-explained cases.

Disadvantages of the Cloud

With everything that the cloud comes out in name of services and flexibility, but security is the biggest concern not for cloud computing only, but for every computing device irrespective of whether it is working on internet or not. Servers maintained by the cloud computing service provider can be a victim of cyber attacks, internal bugs, power iutages etcetera.


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